DANTÉ ANDERSON (Bert Williams, Ensemble) is a native Houstonian pursuing a master’s in vocal performance at the University of St. Thomas. His credits include Gaith Foster’s PULSATE: A VAMPIRE MUSICAL, Main St. Theatre’s ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY, George St. Playhouse’s AUSTIN THE UNSTOPPABLE, Island ETC’s HAIR, and Horse Head Theatre’s CHURCH.
DANTÉ ANDERSON (Bert Williams, Ensemble) is a native Houstonian pursuing a master’s in vocal performance at the University of St. Thomas. His credits include Gaith Foster’s PULSATE: A VAMPIRE MUSICAL, Main St. Theatre’s ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY, George St. Playhouse’s AUSTIN THE UNSTOPPABLE, Island ETC’s HAIR, and Horse Head Theatre’s CHURCH.